– 20 Minuten –
– 20 Minuten –

«Die OVA IVF Clinic Zurich hat keine Mühe geeignete Samenspender zu finden.
150 Paare befinden sich in laufenden Behandlungen.»

– NZZ am Sonntag –
– NZZ am Sonntag –

«Schaffhauser Storch in Zürich-West. Der Reproduktionsmediziner Peter Fehr sticht in seiner Branche hervor. Der Kinderwunsch seiner Patienten steht über allem.»

– Schweizer Illustrierte –
– Schweizer Illustrierte –

«Babyboom aus dem Reagenzglas: Immer mehr Paare mit Kinderwunsch suchen Hilfe bei Reproduktionsmedizinern. Peter Fehr ist einer der renommiertesten. Warum er Arzt, Anwalt und Psychologe gleichzeitig sein muss.»

– Schweizer Illustrierte –
– Schweizer Illustrierte –

«Die OVA IVF Clinic Zurich: Das Ambiente erinnert mehr an eine Hotellounge als an einen Minispital. Man will, dass sich die hilfesuchenden Paare wohl fühlen.»

– Schweizer Illustrierte –
– Schweizer Illustrierte –

«Um für die Befruchtung im Reagenzglas optimale Bedingungen zu schaffen, wird in der OVA IVF Clinic Zurich in einem Reinraumlabor gearbeitet. Das zahlt sich offenbar aus. Zwei von drei Frauen werden schwanger. Das ist über dem Durchschnitt in der Schweiz.»

– Weltwoche –
– Weltwoche –

«Bei Paaren, die nur mit Hilfe der Medizin zu einem Kind kommen, lasse ich mich weitgehend von deren Werthaltungen leiten. Solche Paare sollten zum Beispiel selber entscheiden, ob wir ihre Embryonen nach möglichen genetischen Abweichungen untersuchen.»

(Peter Fehr, OVA IVF Clinic Zurich)

Familie mit Baby - OVA IVF Clinic Zurich - Kinderwunsch Zürich

We don't believe in standard solutions.

This is what makes us different. We take our time listening to your personal story and acknowledging your concerns.

Often times, there is more than one way to fulfill your desire to have children.

Artificial Fertilization otherwise known as, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), is the top level treatment option we offer.
However, less complex therapies such as hormonal stimulation or insemination can also be sufficient. Together we tailor a personal treatment plan to specifically meet your needs.

We accompany you every step of the way.

At OVA, we do not only provide highly experienced physicians. Additionally, the entire OVA Team is specifically trained, including IVF Nurses, nursing staff, medical assistants, biologists and laboratory staff. We share the same goal at OVA — to fulfill your desire to have children with minimal stress.

In addition to traditional medicines, there are various alternative supplements available.

Together we work with renowned experts. We are ready to provide useful advice regarding a wide variety of supplemental measures: nutrition, relaxation, TCM, yoga, or psychological care.

It is therefore not surprising that each year we achieve top results in the official Swiss FIVNAT Statistics.

Long-term experience, modern infrastructure, and custom services are paying off. We invite you to become a part of our success story.

We are happy to show you the way with a no-obligation consultation.

– Weltwoche –
– Weltwoche –

«For couples who only with the help of medicine may have a child, I largely let myself be guided by their value systems. Such couples should, for example, decide for themselves whether we examine their embryos for possible genetic abnormalities.»

(Peter Fehr, OVA IVF Clinic Zurich)

– 20 Minuten –
– 20 Minuten –

«The OVA IVF Clinic Zurich has no trouble finding suitable sperm donors.
150 couples are currently being treated.»

– Schweizer Illustrierte –
– Schweizer Illustrierte –

«In order to create optimal conditions for in vitro fertilization, the OVA IVF Clinic Zurich operates in a cleanroom laboratory. This evidently pays off. Two out of three women become pregnant. This is above the average in Switzerland.»

– NZZ am Sonntag –
– NZZ am Sonntag –

«The Stork from Schaffhausen in Zurich West. The fertility doctor Peter Fehr stands out in his field. His patient’s fertility is above all else.»

– Schweizer Illustrierte –
– Schweizer Illustrierte –

«The OVA IVF Clinic Zurich: The atmosphere is more like a hotel lounge than a small hospital. It intends to provide comfort for those couples seeking help.»

– Schweizer Illustrierte –
– Schweizer Illustrierte –

«Baby Boom from the Test Tube: More and more couples are looking to have children with the help of reproductive health professionals. Doctor Peter Fehr is one of the most prestigious. As a result, he must be a doctor, lawyer and psychologist simultaneously.»


OVA IVF Clinic Zurich
Hardturmstrasse 11
8005 Zürich

T 044 735 66 00
F 044 735 66 06

OVA IVF Clinic Zurich - Kinderwunsch